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Magento 2 custom product grid, I posted the data with two custom columns, but the customer_special_price is missing from the post data when saving

<?php namespace BlissPricePerCustomerBlockAdminhtmlTab; use MagentoCatalogModelProductVisibility; use MagentoFrameworkAppObjectManager; use MagentoStoreModelStore; use MagentoBackendBlockTemplateContext; use MagentoBackendHelperData; use MagentoCatalogModelProductFactory; use BlissPricePerCustomerModelResourceModelCustomerPriceProdcutCollectionFactory; use MagentoFrameworkRegistry; use MagentoFrameworkModuleManager; use MagentoStoreModelStoreManagerInterface; use MagentoBackendBlockWidgetGridExtended; class Productgrid extends Extended { /** * @var MagentoFrameworkRegistry */ protected $coreRegistry = null; /**… Read More »Magento 2 custom product grid, I posted the data with two custom columns, but the customer_special_price is missing from the post data when saving Domain Control Validation Error

I am attempting to apply an SSL certificate to my squarespace site to remediate the NET:ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID. When attempting to app… | Read the rest of

How to add groups fieldset with add row in admin block in magento 2

I need to add groups fieldset or bundle fieldset with “Add Row” section. like – $form = $this->_formFactory->create(); $form->setHtmlIdPrefix(‘custom_’); $customerId = $this->_coreRegistry->registry( RegistryConstants::CURRENT_CUSTOMER_ID ); $storeid = $this->_storeManager->getStore()->getId(); $fieldset = $form->addFieldset( ‘base_fieldset’, [‘legend’ => __(‘Details’)] ); $fieldset->addField( ‘percentage’, ‘text’, [ ‘name’… Read More »How to add groups fieldset with add row in admin block in magento 2