We have a previous Magento install that’s made the upgrades through CE1.9 to 2.1 to currently 2.3.5, and we are planning on revamping everything, so starting with a fresh install of (most likely) CE2.4.6 (in hopes most extensions are updated to that point by now).
We would like to bring along with this fresh install, an import of all our current customers and products (orders need not be included as we use external service for checkout but I assume if you can do the prior mentioned, this would come too).
I know the products can be done via the import/export features and that’s not much of a concern, however our main mental issue to deal with is bringing over the customers along with addresses and working passwords into the new system.
In regards to the Data Migration Tool, my understanding is that this only works for moving M1 to M2, and not something like M2.old to M2.new.
The only other solution I’ve really seen otherwise, is a $600 extension, or services through a company to do it for you (which to their accord, could take days to weeks)
Are there any suggestions on how we could tackle this on our own? Have others done something similar before?