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Want to remove the File option while updating the cart item in mageno 2

I Want to remove the File option while updating the cart item in Magento 2. Below is the my code but not working $quoteItemId = $this->getRequest()->getParam(‘quote_item_id’); $optionId = $this->getRequest()->getParam(‘option_id’); // Load the quote item $quote = $this->quoteRepository->getActive($this->session->getQuoteId()); $quoteItems = $quote->getAllItems();… Read More »Want to remove the File option while updating the cart item in mageno 2

Magento2 For a logged-in customer, when I click ‘View and Edit Cart,’ the customer is automatically logged out after reaching the cart page

Website: I’m encountering an issue where, after a customer logs in and adds a product to the cart, clicking on ‘View and Edit Cart’ causes an automatic logout. This issue occurs when there are 2 or 3 products in… Read More »Magento2 For a logged-in customer, when I click ‘View and Edit Cart,’ the customer is automatically logged out after reaching the cart page

Checkout button is not displaying on the cart page and quantity is not updating on the cart page in Magento1.8 based website

I am using the Magento 1.8 version and am facing a sudden critical issue while checking out my LIVE website. Problem: : The “Checkout” button on the cart page is not showing, and any order placement-related activity shows the below… Read More »Checkout button is not displaying on the cart page and quantity is not updating on the cart page in Magento1.8 based website