How to make purchase order number optional in checkout page magento 2.4.5
In Magento 2.4.5 – Is there a way to make the purchase order number in the checkout optional?
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In Magento 2.4.5 – Is there a way to make the purchase order number in the checkout optional?
I am having a problem with the checkout cart where I cannot get to the second step of the checkout process. When I click on the “Review and Payments” button nothing happens as shown in the pictures below. Page 1… Read More »Unable to get to step 2 of checkout cart in Magneto 2
During checkout I need to validate the shipping address and the current cart’s contents. After the customer has entered or changed the shipping address a validation should start. Depending on a product attribute and the shipping location a message should… Read More »Magento 2: how to validate after shipping address change
Magento 2 Customer logged out automatically after checkout process..After payment gateway from third party, customer logout automatically in chrome browser..It work fine in mozilaa browser.
Magento2 how to load the payment page without loading the page.? I want to refresh my payment page without loading into the js file. can anyone give a solution for this? Here is my js file with some code. GoogleMapsLoader.done(function… Read More »Magento2 how to load payment page withot loading the page.?
I am explaining total process in answer section
In our checkout_index_index.xml file we use the following code. This works well to validate if the input is a number, but it does not allow the international sign + followed by the country code. How can we allow the +… Read More »Telephone validate number but allow international + sign
Hey guys, I am working on checkout optimization and I am little bit stuck what steps should I follow to make my checkout load time lesser, thanks in advance.
”’ public function execute(Observer $observer) { $item = $observer->getEvent()->getData(‘quote_item’); $product = $item->getProduct(); if ($product->getFinalPrice() > 100 && !$this->customerSession->isLoggedIn()) { $this->messageManager->addError(‘You need to login for adding any product worth 100 or more’); $item->getQuote()->removeItem($item->getId()); } } } ”’ work this using checkout_cart_product_add_before… Read More »show an error message in adding item to the cart if the user is not logged and the item have price greater than 100 that item shouldnot added to cart
I have created a shipping rule with certain products so that such products have free shipping, but for example when I delete the product in the checkout cart from the mini cart, the shipping cost is not updated until I… Read More »Magento 2 Update Shipping Rates when remove Products from Mini cart in Checkout Page via JS