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How to mixin a js action when there is already a mixin declared on it

I need to apply some additional code to Magento_Checkoutjsset-shipping-information.js. However, I have got a third party module which already declared a mixin on it ‘Magento_Checkout/js/action/set-shipping-information’: { ‘Amasty_Checkout/js/action/set-shipping-information-mixin’: amasty_mixin_enabled }, How can apply my second mixin? Is it just a matter… Read More »How to mixin a js action when there is already a mixin declared on it

Hot to create plugin for savePaymentInformationAndPlaceOrder method

This method is calling at checkout step but with plugin using after method it’s not calling, core method is calling. etc/di.xml <type name=”MagentoCheckoutModelPaymentInformationManagement”> <plugin name=”k365_payemnt_management_plugin” type=”K365CheckoutPluginModelPaymentInfoManagement” /> </type> PaymentInfoManagement.php <?php namespace K365CheckoutPluginModel; use MagentoCheckoutModelPaymentInformationManagement; class PaymentInfoManagement { public function afterSavePaymentInformationAndPlaceOrder(… Read More »Hot to create plugin for savePaymentInformationAndPlaceOrder method