Cron Debugger not Working
Can anybody tell me how Can I use debugger on the Cron. I tried to do many things, but it doesn’t work.
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Can anybody tell me how Can I use debugger on the Cron. I tried to do many things, but it doesn’t work.
e are running shop on Magento 2.4.3-p1 with 50 000 SKUS, about 800 categories and 5 language mutations. About 65000 users and 80 000 sessions monthly. We are using cloudways server: 32GB RAM 8 core processor 640 GB storage The… Read More »CPU 100% most of the time – maybe a cron problem?
We had a module that created 3 specific cronjobs. This module was located in the app/code folder and we recently removed the entire module by removing the folder and then run the upgrade command. But now when we check magerun2… Read More »Remove cronjobs from old module – Magento 2
I made a simple custom CRUD module. My table have 4 columns: id, name, action, schedule. Action is a select where I can select a controller. Schedule is a text field where I can store for example: * * *… Read More »Dynamic cron based on model value
I am new in magento 2 I am trying to import product data programmatically using csv file. The Error is shown below My Folder and code structure are following. This is My registration file. Vendor/Modulename/regis.xml use MagentoFrameworkComponentComponentRegistrar; ComponentRegistrar::register(ComponentRegistrar::MODULE, ‘vendorName_moduleName’, __DIR__);… Read More »import product data programmatically using csv
I have written some custom scripts in typescript that I would like for my Magento2 application to regularly run. Ideally, I would like for my application to run these scripts once a day. Does anyone know if this can be… Read More »Can you configure cron jobs to run custom script on server?
With my M2 instance indexers in “Update on Schedule” mode… var/log/cron.log receives this warning near constantly: Could not acquire lock for cron job: indexer_update_all_views [] [] The cron process in the process list terminates… plus I have a constant “X… Read More »How to Solve: “Could not acquire lock for cron job: X” in Magento var/log/cron.log
In my old version of my site i had a cron that ran at 2am every morning to product some reports from my Module. I have it set up as normal with my class in the cron folder and the… Read More »Cron job not running since upgrading to Magento 2.2.4
Im new at magento and am stuck trying to modify the “catalog_product_alert” I need to update it so if a product has a list of customers subscribed to the stock alert WHEN the product stock status changes from “Out of… Read More »Override the product alert cron frequency configuration to “Never”
How can I check if my cron job is created or not? I have created a module that is creating shipment of orders with status processing, my question is how can I check if the cron job is working or… Read More »Magento2: How to check if cron job is working or not? [closed]