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Hide DIV if another DIV is active or visible with css/js

Trying to hide DIV if another DIV is active or visible with css/js. Basically if an item is out of stock I would like to hide my custom div. <script type=”text/javascript”> require([‘jquery’], function(jquery) { jquery(document).ready(function(){ if(document.getElementByClass(“stock.unavailable”).style.visibility == “visible”) { document.getElementByClass(“left-stock”).style.visibility… Read More »Hide DIV if another DIV is active or visible with css/js

Place DIV or SPAN class inside stock available

How can I place a div or span class inside stock available with custom xml. Would like custom block next to INSTOCK. <body> <referenceBlock name=””> <block class=”StockQtyBlockLeftQty” name=”catalog.product.view.stock” before=”” template=”Dolphin_MyModule::leftqty.phtml” cacheable=”false”/> </referenceBlock> </body>

Magento 2.4 var/log/system.log full of: Requested path _cache/merged/… is wrong (but is working)?

Or system.log in var/log is full of the following lines: [2023-10-29T09:34:06.035507+00:00] main.ERROR: Requested path ‘_cache/merged/1c1655c7d6a29724ac0b8c8b3288f8cc.min.css’ is wrong. [] [] [2023-10-29T09:34:06.036027+00:00] main.CRITICAL: Requested path ‘_cache/merged/1c1655c7d6a29724ac0b8c8b3288f8cc.min.css’ is wrong. [] [] But the sites that’s using Smartwave Porto theme – is working perfect.… Read More »Magento 2.4 var/log/system.log full of: Requested path _cache/merged/… is wrong (but is working)?