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Bolding or changing the color of “Continue Shopping Url”

I took the code from inside: vendor/magento/module-checkout/view/frontend/templates/cart/noItems.phtml and i’m overiding it here: app/design/frontendvendor/namespace/module/Magento_Checkout/templates/cart/noItems.phtml I usually don’t work on a lot of frontend css stuff so i feel like this is a super dumb question. Here’s what i’ve done below and… Read More »Bolding or changing the color of “Continue Shopping Url”

How to remove Default style-m.css and styles-l.css Stylesheet, Add Back One Page Only

I have a Magento 2 client with a strange theme that is using scss and to make a long story short I need to remove the styles-l and styles-m css/styles from vendor/magento/theme-frontend-blank/Magento_Theme/layout/default_head_blocks.xml like this: <remove src=”css/styles-m.css”/> <remove src=”css/styles-l.css”/> That works… Read More »How to remove Default style-m.css and styles-l.css Stylesheet, Add Back One Page Only

Email css not processed

At header template is: <style type=”text/css”> {{var template_styles|raw}} {{css file=”css/email.css”}} </style> At email html is content of file (css/email.css) : <style type=3D”text/cs= s”>=0A =0A=0A =0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A@import ‘source/lib/_lib.l= ess’; // Global lib=0A@import ‘source/lib/variables/_email.less’; // Glo= bal email variables=0A@import ‘source/_theme.less’; // Global variables=20=… Read More »Email css not processed