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Configurable & Simple Product associations lost. When trying to “re-associate” manually, I get an error in the backend for some of the products

In Magento 2.4.5, the shop “lost” somehow some associations from configurable to simple product. These simple products are no longer associated with their parent configurable product. The share the same SKU prefix. I can find them with “Add Products Manually”… Read More »Configurable & Simple Product associations lost. When trying to “re-associate” manually, I get an error in the backend for some of the products

Magento 2 Compile Void on in line 20

I have updated one of my plugin versions (payment plugin) to the most recent version and after running bin/magento setup:upgrade i run the comand : bin/magento setup:di:compile which gives me the following output (see image)

General system exception happened Additional data

Getting This Error while importing the products General system exception happened Additional data: Error in data structure: entity values are mixed Screenshot: Here’s the first-row content: Please help to resolve this error.

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: After Updating a Module

On My site i am running old version of Advanced Product Options Suite Extension for Magento 2 by mageworx. I just updated the Advanced Product Options Suite Extension into latest version. I tired updation with upload Extension files manually also… Read More »SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: After Updating a Module