Currency Symbol as image
Is there any possible ways we can use currency svg image on front-end instead of text ? Thanks in advance.
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Is there any possible ways we can use currency svg image on front-end instead of text ? Thanks in advance.
Magento Version: Magento 2.4.6 Issue: I want to remove the “All” prefix from category menu items in Magento 2. For example, currently, it shows: All Why Choose Us I want it to display: Why Choose Us What I’ve Tried: … Read More »How to remove ‘All’ from category menu in Magento 2.4?
I want to change the validation for DOB field on create account page. Currently the validation is in the format mm/dd/yyyy , I want to change the validation for that field to dd/mm/yyyy. Can anybody tell me where is the… Read More »Change date of birth date format in Magento 2.3
My magento theme doesnt display the minicart icon, I suppose that it is messed up some where with the fontawsome, now i want to change it from using icon to just plain text ‘My Cart’. I’m using solwind freego theme.
I’m working on Magento 2.4.x and I want to integrate Magento’s native CAPTCHA functionality into a custom frontend form for better security. I’ve seen CAPTCHA being used on the customer login and registration forms, but I’m unsure how to implement… Read More »How to integrate Magento 2 native CAPTCHA into a custom frontend form?
I’m having a problem on a fresh docker Magento 2.4.7 installation and nothing seems to work to fix it. I’ve installed the sample data, it is showing on the backend side, but not on the frontend. I’ve just tried to:… Read More »Magento 2.4.7 sample data doesn’t show on the frontend
I have a problem with the page builder on my custom module. In the adminhtml, everything is working fine, and my code propeller is saved to DB, but when I’m trying “echo” my code, the widget isn’t displayed. I can… Read More »Magento2 Custom Page Builder, doesn’t render widgets on frontend
I am trying to add custom fields to the Magento 2 Page Builder slider, specifically for Desktop Image Width, Desktop Image Height, Mobile Image Width, Mobile Image Height and Alt Text. I want to create the following fields under the… Read More »How to Add Height, Width, and Alt Text Fields in Magento 2 Page Builder Slider and Render on Frontend?
define([“Magento_Checkout/js/view/payment/default”, “jquery”], function (Component,$) { “use strict”; return Component.extend({ defaults: { template: “Test_Payments/payment/testpay”, }, getData: function () { return { method: this.item.method, additional_data: { iban: $.trim($(‘#data1’).val()), bic: $.trim($(‘#data2’).val()) } }; } }); });
I am trying to extend the image content type to add an anchor tag with a href attribute. I struggling to get the attribute herf in the master.html file. here is my master.html <a attr=”data.desktop_image.attributes().href” data-lightbox=”image-1″ data-title=”My caption”> <img if=”data.desktop_image.attributes().src”… Read More »How to add an anchor tag in image content type of page builder