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Images are not loading in frontend and admin panel is not loading in backend in freshly installed magento 2.4.7

As my question states, I have installed magento 2.4.7-beta1 on xampp 8.2.12 in windows 11 with composer 2.6.5 and elasticesearch 7.16.3 freshly. However any images on frontend and magento admin panel on the backend are not being displayed and I’m… Read More »Images are not loading in frontend and admin panel is not loading in backend in freshly installed magento 2.4.7

Added custom field/attribute to magento 2 pageBuilder all content types but the attribute is not displaying on frontend html

I extended magento 2 pageBuilder media content types (image, banner, slide, slider etc..). So if I add any value in that custom field that will be displaying on frontend CMS (home) page correctly but I have the image/banner in category… Read More »Added custom field/attribute to magento 2 pageBuilder all content types but the attribute is not displaying on frontend html

Magento 2 after programetically cancel the order stock restored but item showing as out of stock message in reorder process

I am facing a problem with resume order process.when customer click resume order I am cancelling the order programatically and creating new order with the same qty. In this process the stock is restoring immediatly after cancel step but while… Read More »Magento 2 after programetically cancel the order stock restored but item showing as out of stock message in reorder process

Duplicate the page.main.title

I wanted to duplicate the “page.main.title” element on the product pages, so I added this block to my <block class=”MagentoThemeBlockHtmlTitle” name=”title.additional2″ template=”Magento_Theme::html/title.phtml”> <arguments> <argument name=”css_class” xsi:type=”string”>product</argument> <argument name=”add_base_attribute” xsi:type=”string”>itemprop=”name”</argument> </arguments> </block> I want to add this block because I… Read More »Duplicate the page.main.title