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Magento 2 : How to create a graphql api for fetch the best seller product collection with arguments search and filter like in the product graphql?

I am trying to fetch Best seller product collections using graphql like the one below. bestSellers ( pageSize: Int = 20 @doc(description: “The maximum number of results to return at once. The default value is 20.”), currentPage: Int = 1… Read More »Magento 2 : How to create a graphql api for fetch the best seller product collection with arguments search and filter like in the product graphql?

Create a custom component to create display design options in admin and design option dropdown and selected will be displayed on product page

Create a custom component to add/edit/delete and view the detail of design information into admin. Associate the multiple design option to product and show selected design option product detail page. Create following fields in given table: Table name: design design_id… Read More »Create a custom component to create display design options in admin and design option dropdown and selected will be displayed on product page

Get new instance of MagentoFrameworkAppResourceConnection or unset MappedTables before query

So I’m facing an error in my custom query. Multiple queries is being run to get category tree and for each category I’m mapping a table to temp table. example – // $this->resource is object of MagentoFrameworkAppResourceConnection $indexTable = $this->resource->getTableName(“main_table”);… Read More »Get new instance of MagentoFrameworkAppResourceConnection or unset MappedTables before query

GraphQL generateCustomerToken not working with correct credentials while frontend login works fine

Normal customer account login works fine on frontend but GraphQL mutation mutation { generateCustomerToken(email: “”, password: “*******”) { token } } show below error even with same credentials The account sign-in was incorrect or your account is disabled temporarily. Please… Read More »GraphQL generateCustomerToken not working with correct credentials while frontend login works fine