Magento2: How to Create 4 custom shipping method?
I want to create multiple shipping methods in Magento with different rates.
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I want to create multiple shipping methods in Magento with different rates.
What is the reason behind allowing product attribute codes to begin with a number in Magento 2.x but not allowing them to begin with a number in 2.4.3? What is the reason behind the change? We are unable to modify… Read More »What changed from 2.x to 2.4.3 for Product Attribute Codes beginning with a number?
I have cloud enterprise project with multi website. We are facing issue of null object is returned from getDefaultStore method. I have created one admin role and given full access but assigned only selected website scope which we need. And… Read More »Magento 2 cloud getDefaultStore return null object when multiple store
I have added new column via db_schema.xml in the purchase_order_rule table i.e. rule_type Now, I want to create an after save plugin on the purchase order rule repository that will save the column ‘conditions_serialized’ attribute value to the ‘rule_type’ column.… Read More »Create after save plugin on the purchase order rule repository magento 2
I have been trying to create a grid list for my custom module. All code part is done and the grid not displayed. Reviewed the code many times but I couldn’t find the issue. Here is my code: TestTestWorkflowControllerAdminhtmlDepartmentcodesDepartmentListing.php <?php… Read More »Magento 2 Grid not showing up
I want to add custom text fields on the checkout page and those fields’ values should be saved in sales_order and sales_order_item table
Recently I’ve upgraded 2.3 to 2.4.5 and having following system configurations. php8.1 MySQL 8 Apache2.4 (Also tried with Nginx) Varnish configured I have 16GB ram with 500Gn SSD and i5 processor ubuntu os. My minified profile results are below. magento… Read More »Magento 2.4.5 performance issue
I’m using graphql to get data to my PWA frontend project.Following is my schema.graphqls type Query { comparelist: [ComparelistOutput] @resolver(class: “NeoSolax\CompareList\Model\Resolver\ComparelistItemResolver”) @doc(description: “An array of items in the customer’s compare list”) } type ComparelistOutput { id:String sku:String url_key:String } ComparelistItemResolver.php… Read More »Graphql returns empty array
Does anyone know how to achieve below design. Create a new container next to cart icon in header move top bar sign in and create account links to new container. Please kindly refer the screenshot attached Thanks in Advanced.
I have created an observer on the customer_save_before event. Surprisingly $observer->getEvent()->getCustomer()->getOrigData() is null. Is my expectation wrong? This is also happening for customer_save_commit_after. I am looking for an event for which the customer data (new and original) is available, that… Read More »Magento 2 origData null in customer_save_before