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Updating from 2.3.5 to 2.4.4 gives magento/framework 102.0.5 requires php ~7.1.3||~7.2.0||~7.3.0 error

Magento 2.3.5 I am trying to update from Magento 2.3.5 to Magento 2.4.4-p2. The commands I executed are: composer require magento/product-community-edition=2.4.4-p2 –no-update –use-default-magento-values composer update I am running PHP 7.4 and the error I get is: magento/framework 102.0.5 requires php… Read More »Updating from 2.3.5 to 2.4.4 gives magento/framework 102.0.5 requires php ~7.1.3||~7.2.0||~7.3.0 error

No grouped items on OrderRepositoryInterface

I try to get all products items from MagentoSalesApiOrderRepositoryInterface but i get simples products instead of grouped product. Everything is right with configurables $criteria = $this->searchCriteriaBuilder ->addFilter(‘created_at’, $from, ‘gteq’) ->addFilter(‘created_at’, $to, ‘lteq’) ->addFilter(‘store_id’, $storeId,’eq’) ->addFilter(‘status’, $status,’eq’) ->create(); $orderResult = $this->orderRepository->getList($criteria);… Read More »No grouped items on OrderRepositoryInterface