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How to Skip Translation for specific input in magento2.4.3

I have added quantity increment and decrement button in minicart <input data-bind=”value: qty, attr: { id: ‘cart-item-‘+item_id+’-qty’, ‘data-cart-item’: item_id, ‘data-item-qty’: qty, ‘data-cart-item-id’: product_sku }” type=”number” size=”4″ class=”item-qty cart-item-qty”> But when store switched from English to Arabic value within input also… Read More »How to Skip Translation for specific input in magento2.4.3

Magento 2.4.3: Cloned Product Overwrites Existing Entry in CatalogInvetory_Stock

I am working on a Magento 2.4.3 store and am cloning a product via the below methodology: $product_clone = $this->object_manager->create(Product::class); $product_clone->load($source_product_id); $product = $this->object_manager->create(Product::class); $product->setData($product_clone->getData()); However, after modifying and saving the cloned product, the inventory for the source product goes… Read More »Magento 2.4.3: Cloned Product Overwrites Existing Entry in CatalogInvetory_Stock

Magento 2 GraphQl get store wise product collection

I want to get the product collection store-wise via graphQl. I have set in header parameter “Store”: “ar”, I want to get the product name in the Arabic store, but it’s not working. I have referred this

When exporting ‘Customers Main File’ from Magento 2.4.3-p3 the CSV doesn’t appear in the download list, even after relevant fixes

System->Export->Customers Main File, CSV, nothing else changed, Continue. I get the message ‘Message is added to queue, wait to get your file soon. Make sure your cron job is running to export the file’ After a long time, 24 hours… Read More »When exporting ‘Customers Main File’ from Magento 2.4.3-p3 the CSV doesn’t appear in the download list, even after relevant fixes

Favourite list Magento 2.4

Is there a way to create a favorite list? I know you can use a wishlist, but that disappears when you add the product to the cart. Any suggestions are appreciated.