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How to show tier price catalog category view page in configurable product option select simple product in magento 2.4

To display tier prices for configurable products in Magento 2.4, you need to make sure that when a simple product (child product) is selected from the configurable product options, the tier prices for that simple product are correctly displayed product… Read More »How to show tier price catalog category view page in configurable product option select simple product in magento 2.4

Magento 2 custom API working for Bearer Token and not working for OAuth1.0

I have created a custom API endpoint to retrieve data from a custom table in magento 2. Webapi.xml file content <route url=”/V1/bs-customer-price-information/:email/:website_id” method=”GET”> <service class=”BSKoRPricingApiKoRPricingRepositoryInterface” method=”getPriceListByCustomerAndWebsite”/> <resources> <resource ref=”Magento_Catalog::products”/> </resources> </route> This endpoint giving result with Bearer Token. If I… Read More »Magento 2 custom API working for Bearer Token and not working for OAuth1.0

Time to live error

In my magento (2.4.6-p5, with Varnish and Redis) I keep getting following error in exception.log: [2024-05-15T18:23:57.623784+00:00] main.CRITICAL: InvalidArgumentException: Time to live is a mandatory parameter for set public headers in /home/www/sklepy/mag/vendor/magento/framework/App/Response/Http.php:137 Stack trace: #0 /home/www/sklepy/mag/generated/code/Magento/Framework/App/Response/Http/Interceptor.php(41): MagentoFrameworkAppResponseHttp->setPublicHeaders() #1 /home/www/sklepy/mag/vendor/magento/module-page-cache/Controller/Block/Esi.php(33): MagentoFrameworkAppResponseHttpInterceptor->setPublicHeaders() #2… Read More »Time to live error

switcherConfig not working with tab layout but works with collapsible

I am trying to add a switcherConfig on one of my ui component field. Its a simple show/hide rule based on value of one field. <settings> <switcherConfig> <rules> <rule name=”0″> <value>0</value> <actions> <action name=”0″> <target>my_form.my_form.fieldset.target_field</target> <callback>hide</callback> </action> </actions> </rule> <rule… Read More »switcherConfig not working with tab layout but works with collapsible

magento246: getting wrong permission for category?

I have set category permission to deny for non-logged-in users and in the database values are saved accordingly. but when I search product on front end it shows the wrong permission. MagentoCatalogPermissionsObserverApplyProductPermissionOnCollectionAfterLoadObserver any idea?