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How to fix Magento’s built-in session management that conflict with how GTM handles sessions causing session regeneration issue

Anyone have this issue before, I notices even in a freshly installed magento 2.4.4p4 commerce edition this issue occur Let me know if this is the correct page to post this issue or I should post this issue into a… Read More »How to fix Magento’s built-in session management that conflict with how GTM handles sessions causing session regeneration issue

Pager not work in my custom collection?

I have a custom collection for ordered products for a customer. $connection = $this->resourceConnection->getConnection(MagentoFrameworkAppResourceConnection::DEFAULT_CONNECTION); $customerSession = $this->customerSession->create(); if ($customerSession->isLoggedIn()) { $customerId = $customerSession->getId(); $result1 = $connection->fetchAll(‘SELECT distinct(product_id) FROM `sales_order_item` as soi INNER join sales_order as so on so.entity_id=soi.order_id WHERE so.customer_id… Read More »Pager not work in my custom collection?