How can we add custom customer attributes in admin grid
I have created an attribute type: Test but I want to display in the grid customer.
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I have created an attribute type: Test but I want to display in the grid customer.
I am trying to import products programmatically into a Magento 2.4.4 installation but I have problem setting the Salable Quantity. I cannot find a viable solution to this issue, please help if you can. Here is the code I am… Read More »How to update product salable quantity in Magento 2.4 programmatically?
I have an error that occurs randomly when I go to create a configurable product. The process is as follows: First I create all the simple products and in an array, I store all the ids of the simple products.… Read More »Trying to create a configurable product, I get “Option values are not specified” error
Is it possible to display Minimum Advertised Price and retail pricing on product details page? Can you please help me.
I have implemented a custom module based on this thread - It’s working perfectly fine on Magento 2.4.3, but no changes are reflecting when I upgrade to 2.4.4. But the module is installed successfully. My module structure- /app/code/Sanket/PricePrecision ->registration.php ->/etc… Read More »Custom Module Not Working in 2.4.4 but working in 2.4.3
I have encountered a problem during the migration of the data from my old magento to my new magento… Everything worked well for the settings migration Here is the command i’ve launched : bin/magento migrate:data -a /var/www/html/magento2/app/code/Vendor/Migration/etc/opensource-to-opensource/ and here is… Read More »Error during the data’s migration with the data migration tool ( to 2.4.4)
When I add products from a grouped product, go to cart and click the clear cart button, The products are removed but the form and minicart count and total are still reading the previous items. I tested this with simple… Read More »Magento 2 clear cart doesn’t work properly on grouped product items
I want to add custom sort options like ” Best Selling ” and ” Best reviewed “ in Catalog/Category sort order options Below is the picture. and i am trying this approach in below code but its not working. etc/di.xml… Read More »Magento2.4: How to Sort Product by ” Best Selling ” and ” Best reviewed ” Product?
I have a product attribute inside Magento 2 with over 3.000 different values and, unfortunately, we cannot delete them. Right now they are only in English but they need to be translated in 8 different languages. The translation part is… Read More »Batch Attribute Translation
In magento enterprise edition, in admin catalog/category there are sort options which sort products on storefront based on that filter, now i want to add a custom filter like Filter by Product Creation date ascending and descending order and on… Read More »Magento2.4: How to add custom sort options in backend and sort product on storefront?