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My override file won’t load

I tried to override a vendor file. The path of the original file is: vendor/amasty/module-extra-fee/view/frontend/web/template/fee/item/checkbox.html My new file is located at: app/design/frontend/Amasty/JetTheme_majestic/Amasty_ExtraFee/web/template/fee/item/checkbox.html However, it is still using the vendor file. I also added the following in app/design/frontend/Amasty/JetTheme_majestic/requirejs-config.js this is the… Read More »My override file won’t load

Filter product collection issue with admin create order product selection grid in Magento 2.4

I have overridden two methods of two class to add custom filter in create admin order product selection grid but filter is not working in first load. Below is my code: di.xml <preference for=”MagentoSalesBlockAdminhtmlOrderCreateSearchGrid” type=”VendorModuleBlockAdminhtmlOrderCreateSearchGrid”/> <type name=”MagentoCatalogModelResourceModelProductCollection”> <plugin name=”filter_product_by_attribute_set_plugin” type=”VendorModulePluginFilterProductByAttributeSetPlugin”/>… Read More »Filter product collection issue with admin create order product selection grid in Magento 2.4

Want to remove the File option while updating the cart item in mageno 2

I Want to remove the File option while updating the cart item in Magento 2. Below is the my code but not working $quoteItemId = $this->getRequest()->getParam(‘quote_item_id’); $optionId = $this->getRequest()->getParam(‘option_id’); // Load the quote item $quote = $this->quoteRepository->getActive($this->session->getQuoteId()); $quoteItems = $quote->getAllItems();… Read More »Want to remove the File option while updating the cart item in mageno 2

Magento 2.4.7 Deprecated Functionality, Clearsale

After upgrading to m2.4.7-p1, we installed the newest version of Clearsale and see these errors: Deprecated Functionality: Creation of dynamic property ClearsaleIntegrationModelAuthEntityCredentialsFactory::$ClientSecret is deprecated in /vendor/clearsale/integration/Model/Auth/Business/AuthBusinessObject.php Deprecated Functionality: Creation of dynamic property ClearsaleIntegrationModelAuthEntityCredentialsFactory::$ClientID is deprecated in /vendor/clearsale/integration/Model/Auth/Business/AuthBusinessObject.php Deprecated Functionality: Creation… Read More »Magento 2.4.7 Deprecated Functionality, Clearsale