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REST on barebones Magento Server – Creating a product doesn’t show ANY Price–even the base one

I have a docker instance of magento running. I’m using the latest image. Here’s the post request to create a product: curl –request POST –url http://localhost/rest/V1/products –header ‘Authorization: Bearer <token>’ –header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ –data ‘{ “product”: { “sku”: “pain_and_anguish”, “name”:… Read More »REST on barebones Magento Server – Creating a product doesn’t show ANY Price–even the base one

Original Price of child product in order Email

In file appdesignfrontendMyVendorMyThemeMagento_Salestemplatesemailitemsorderdefault.phtml i need original price of child product. I try $block->getBasePrice($_item) or only $block->getPrice($_item) but is empty or price of parent product