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Custom Warehouse

By Default Magento using Total Stock warehouse. I want to use my warehouse for all my products . I am currently using my custom warehouse, But some times it shows the magento by default warehouse.

Catalog Search index process unknown error: {“error”:{“root_cause”

None of the posts already present in the site as answers didn’t help me fix the following issue. Please help me get it fixed. Catalog Search index process unknown error: {“error”:{“root_cause”:[{“type”:”cluster_block_exception”,”reason”:”index [magento2_product_1_v744] blocked by: [FORBIDDEN/12/index read-only / allow delete (api)];”}],”type”:”cluster_block_exception”,”reason”:”index… Read More »Catalog Search index process unknown error: {“error”:{“root_cause”

Hide button if error message is active

I have a site built with Magento 2.3. In checkout cart, I want to hide the button that proceed to checkout if the quantity of a product pass the maximum quantity. How can I do this? Thank you!

Where is MagentoCatalogApiDataProductExtensionInterface?

In Magento Product class (MagentoCatalogModelProduct) there is the function public function setExtensionAttributes(MagentoCatalogApiDataProductExtensionInterface $extensionAttributes) However, if I look at Magento codebase (e.g. there is no MagentoCatalogApiDataProductExtensionInterface. How come? There is probably something that I have not understood fully, please enlighten… Read More »Where is MagentoCatalogApiDataProductExtensionInterface?