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Magento2 How to get Customizable dropdown Options of a simple product in phtml file

How to get this Customizable option data in a phtml file. I want to data in like in this format… <div class=”field required”> <label class=”label” for=”select_69″> <span>Options</span> </label> <div class=”control”> <select name=”options[69]” id=”select_69″ class=” required product-custom-option admin__control-select” title=”” data-selector=”options[69]”… Read More »Magento2 How to get Customizable dropdown Options of a simple product in phtml file

How can i correct product catalog

I uploaded 12 products in category of dresses but in the store only 8 products are showing and when i refresh the page products change but number remains the same. How can i correct it?