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Why would product description not transfer when doing an export and reimport from Magento 2 into a different Magento 2?

I have exported products from Magento 2.4.2-p1 and imported the file into Magento 2.4.5-p1. I’ve noticed there are a lot of product descriptions missing when going through the products on Magento 2.4.5-p1. Why is that and how to fix? Does… Read More »Why would product description not transfer when doing an export and reimport from Magento 2 into a different Magento 2?

How to replace an existing product’s url with a new product

I am duplicating a product, disabling the old one and want to set the url of the new product to replace the old product. $duplicateParent = $this->productCopier->copy($oldproduct); $oldproduct->setUrlKey($existingUrlKey . ‘-old’); $oldproduct->setSku($existingSku . ‘-old’); $oldproduct->setVisibility(1); $duplicateParent->setUrlKey($existingUrlKey); $oldproduct->save(); $duplicateParent->save(); It’s throwing an… Read More »How to replace an existing product’s url with a new product