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PWA env MAGENTO_BACKEND_URL change to local virtual host problem

Passed a lot of solutions but didn’t get the success The task if the replace the default local virtual host pwa02.wsl wher M2 installed M2 vesion: 2.4.5 (working well) Venia varsion: 13.2.0 Istalled via yarn MAGENTO_BACKEND_URL= DEV_SERVER_HOST=pwa02.wsl DEV_SERVER_PORT=10000 yarn buildpack… Read More »PWA env MAGENTO_BACKEND_URL change to local virtual host problem

Magento Venia PWA wrong PDP pages

MAGENTO_BACKEND_URL=https://pwa02.wsl/ (M2 here working well, all pages exists) DEV_SERVER_PORT=10000 Ubuntu 20.04 over WSL2 Apache 2 PHP 7.4 MySQL 8.0 Magento 2.4.3 Venia sample data installed Installation: git clone sudo yarn install MAGENTO_BACKEND_URL=https://pwa02.wsl/ yarn buildpack create-env-file packages/venia-concept sudo yarn… Read More »Magento Venia PWA wrong PDP pages

How to cache GraphQL requests?

My Magento 2.4 isn’t caching requests I use many times, like storeConfig via PWA Studio. My request header: x-cache-hits: 0 How could I cache this kind of request to optimize the speed of my page loads?