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Magento 2 scandipwa theme install in our local server we are getting the node-sass,node-gyp and python2 errors?

we have tried to install existing magento scandipwa theme.we are getting node-sass, node-gyp and phython2 error.please check the attached screenshot User Guide : we have follows steps as per user guide: first we have create existing magento root create… Read More »Magento 2 scandipwa theme install in our local server we are getting the node-sass,node-gyp and python2 errors?

Graphql returns empty array

I’m using graphql to get data to my PWA frontend project.Following is my schema.graphqls type Query { comparelist: [ComparelistOutput] @resolver(class: “NeoSolax\CompareList\Model\Resolver\ComparelistItemResolver”) @doc(description: “An array of items in the customer’s compare list”) } type ComparelistOutput { id:String sku:String url_key:String } ComparelistItemResolver.php… Read More »Graphql returns empty array