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ERROR: “Module not found: Can’t resolve” when importing custom component, but the path is 100% correct?

I’m getting this error trying to import a custom component, but my path is correct? Failed to compile. ./src/component/Footer/Footer.component.js Module not found: Can’t resolve ‘/scandipwa/src/component/FooterLinks’ in ‘/scandipwa/src/component/Footer’ But the path is correct? Here’s a view of my file structure and… Read More »ERROR: “Module not found: Can’t resolve” when importing custom component, but the path is 100% correct?

Copying component from src to my app Errors: “Failed to compile.” but I am able to modify styles

I’m trying to customize a few components, but anytime I try to copy a component from /scandipwa/node_modules/@scandipwa/scandipwa/src/component/Footer/ into my app directory /scandipwa/src/component/Footer/ I get the following errors: I have tried various components and I get the same results. I have… Read More »Copying component from src to my app Errors: “Failed to compile.” but I am able to modify styles