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PUT/POST Rest request occasionally fail without error status code 400

Not quite sure where to start debugging, PUT/POST request occasionally without any errors in Magento logs, status code 400. The exact same request later goes through succesfully. Example failed request: 400 PUT /rest/V1/products/9793/stockItems/1567?stockItem%5Bqty%5D=466&stockItem%5Bis_in_stock%5D=1 HTTP/2.0 varnish Example successfull request moments later:… Read More »PUT/POST Rest request occasionally fail without error status code 400

I used the REST API to create an order so bad that it bricked my admin portal. How to fix?

Steps: I created this request in Postman, ran it, and got a 200 OK response: Route: http://{website}/rest/V1/orders/create Body: { “entity”: { “customer_id”: 4, “store_id”: 1, “items”: [ { “product_id”: 369, “qty_ordered”: 1 } ], “payment”: { “method”: “cashondelivery” } }… Read More »I used the REST API to create an order so bad that it bricked my admin portal. How to fix?

Issue Creating Invoice via Magento REST API: %fieldName% is not supported Error

I’m trying to create an invoice using the Magento REST API (/rest/default/V1/order/{orderId}/invoice) and I’m getting the following error: “message”: “”%fieldName” is not supported. Correct the field name and try again.”, “parameters”: { “fieldName”: “AdditionalData” } Here’s the payload I’m sending:… Read More »Issue Creating Invoice via Magento REST API: %fieldName% is not supported Error