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Strip index.php from rest urls

I am having this issue with an external platform which trying to get rest urls from my magento 2.4.5. Issue is that the urls they hit contain index.php inside. They are like this: As you see inside the url… Read More »Strip index.php from rest urls

How to save data to database using interface repository api

I’m a newbie magento 2 developer. I’m currently learning how to store data to database using repository-interface-model-api approach. My code is not working. model ItemRepository class ItemRepository implements ItemRepositoryInterface { private $collectionFactory; protected $itemFactory; public function __construct( CollectionFactory $collectionFactory )… Read More »How to save data to database using interface repository api

Automatically create Integration

is there a “new” way to create integrations automatically? Since my modul is gonna be tested in different environments/systems, creating integrations automatically is kind of crucial. check my code below with minor changes from <?php namespace VendorModulSetup; use MagentoFrameworkSetupModuleContextInterface;… Read More »Automatically create Integration