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UPS Standard Gateway URL Stopped Working

Starting this AM, our Magento 2 store stopped pulling in UPS rates. We were using the standard gateway Does anyone know if this was deprecated and went down? It would have been nice to get a heads up! Thanks.

Magento2 alternative class of Zend_Filter_BaseName in magento 2.4.6 [closed]

when i download log file from admin then this error occur Error: Class “Zend_Filter_BaseName” not found in app/code/vendor/module/Controller/adminhtml/Download/GetLog.php Here is that file. ‘<?php namespace vendormoduleControllerAdminhtmlDownload; use MagentoBackendAppActionContext; use MagentoBackendControllerAdminhtmlSystem; use MagentoFrameworkAppResponseHttpFileFactory; use MagentoFrameworkExceptionNotFoundException; use Zend_Filter_BaseName; abstract class GetLog extends System… Read More »Magento2 alternative class of Zend_Filter_BaseName in magento 2.4.6 [closed]