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Custom Warehouse

By Default Magento using Total Stock warehouse. I want to use my warehouse for all my products . I am currently using my custom warehouse, But some times it shows the magento by default warehouse.

Correct way to call an object based on quantity, for displaying a product-alert, when backorders are allowed

I am trying to modify the following file in Magento2 <?php /** * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved. * See COPYING.txt for license details. */ namespace MagentoProductAlertBlockProductView; /** * Recurring payment view stock * * @api * @since… Read More »Correct way to call an object based on quantity, for displaying a product-alert, when backorders are allowed

Getting the minimum qty allowed in a shopping cart without deprecated methods

Previously to get the minimum qty allowed in a shopping cart I would use the following code: public function __construct( MagentoCatalogInventoryApiStockRegistryInterface $stockRegistry ){ $this->stockRegistry = $stockRegistry; } public function getMinSaleQtyAllowed($productId): float { $stockItem = $this->stockRegistry->getStockItem($productId); return $stockItem->getMinSaleQty(); } However, MagentoCatalogInventoryApiStockRegistryInterface… Read More »Getting the minimum qty allowed in a shopping cart without deprecated methods