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New extended theme from luma doesnt show style-l or style-m css

I have created the registration.php, theme.xml,composer.json in app/design/frontend/myvendorname/themename_theme/ and _extends.less in app/design/frontend/myvendorname/themename_theme/web/css/source. Ran the following commands rm -r /home/magento/pub/static/* /home/magento/var/view_preprocessed/* /home/magento/var/cache/* cp /root/.htaccess /home/magento/pub/static/ #re-copying htaccess above to static folder just in case it got lost magento cache:flush magento setup:static-content:deploy… Read More »New extended theme from luma doesnt show style-l or style-m css

Magento 2.4 var/log/system.log full of: Requested path _cache/merged/… is wrong (but is working)?

Or system.log in var/log is full of the following lines: [2023-10-29T09:34:06.035507+00:00] main.ERROR: Requested path ‘_cache/merged/1c1655c7d6a29724ac0b8c8b3288f8cc.min.css’ is wrong. [] [] [2023-10-29T09:34:06.036027+00:00] main.CRITICAL: Requested path ‘_cache/merged/1c1655c7d6a29724ac0b8c8b3288f8cc.min.css’ is wrong. [] [] But the sites that’s using Smartwave Porto theme – is working perfect.… Read More »Magento 2.4 var/log/system.log full of: Requested path _cache/merged/… is wrong (but is working)?

Magento 2.3.2 Incompatible argument type

6/7 [========================>—] 85% 33 secs 395.0 MiBErrors during compilation: DanielsCformModelResourceModelPostGridCollection Incompatible argument type: Required type: MagentoFrameworkDBAdapterAdapterInterface. Actual type: DanielsCformModelResourceModelPostGridconnection; File: /chroot/home/a4610039/ Total Errors Count: 1 In Log.php line 92: Error during compilation `<?php namespace DanielsCformModelResourceModelCform; use MagentoFrameworkModelResourceModelDbCollectionAbstractCollection; class Collection extends… Read More »Magento 2.3.2 Incompatible argument type