Magento2 postcode / zipcode length validation and remove waring complete guide
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In our checkout_index_index.xml file we use the following code. This works well to validate if the input is a number, but it does not allow the international sign + followed by the country code. How can we allow the +… Read More »Telephone validate number but allow international + sign
I’m doing some custom fields in LayoutProcessor, method process. It add field, save, all work perfectly, but the validation is not working. I have the simple one: ‘validation’ => [ ‘required-entry’ => true ], it showed with a * in… Read More »Validation field required doesn’t work
I have customer segment and sku condition in the cart rule with specific coupon code. This is working fine for sku condition but this is not working for exact customer segment id. Same coupon code is applying for other segment… Read More »Coupon code is not validating the customer segment condition on cart page?
Magento2 On contact Us page how can we validate phone nunber to accept only UK numbers?
i’m using Magento 2.4.1 and i add custom validation with a custom error message to detect which character is wrong and add it to the message: define([ ‘jquery’ ], function ($) { return function () { var validator = this;… Read More »Magento 2 – Dynamic custom validation error message not working
I have this date field in a form (a ui component) and i’m tryig to make it “required field”, I tried with <item name=”required-entry” xsi:type=”boolean”>true</item> but it didn’t work. And also tried with a custom validation but also not working,… Read More »How to set a date field in a ui form to be mandatory?
I have problem installing magento 2.4.2 It shows me an error (In InstallCommand.php line 274:Parameter validation failed ) Help me Thanks php bin/magento setup:install –base-url= –db-host=localhost –db-name=pp_12 –db-user=root –db-password=00000000 –admin-firstname=Magento –admin-lastname=User –[email protected] –admin-user=admin –admin-password=admin123 –language=en_US –currency=USD –timezone=America/Chicago –use-rewrites=1 –search-engine=elasticsearch7 –elasticsearch-host=localhost… Read More »In InstallCommand.php line 274: Parameter validation failed
I want to hide the checkbox and message at the checkout that shows the message : My billing and shipping addresse are the same Without effecting the checkout procees. I wanto to remove it. I tried to remove this div:… Read More »Remove My billing and shipping address are the same checkbox in Magento2
In admin panel on creating order page, i need to set field Middle Name/Initial required, if chosen shipping method is “Free shipping”, otherwise, this field doesn`t need to be required. Also, is this possible on backend?