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Facing issue when running the command php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Facing issue when running the command php bin/magento setup:upgrade The XML in file “D:/wamp64/www/porto/vendor/magento/module-inventory-catalog/etc/communication.xml” is invalid: Element ‘topic’, attribute ‘is_synchronous’: The attribute ‘is_synchronous’ is not allowed. Line: 9 Element ‘topic’, attribute ‘is_synchronous’: The attribute ‘is_synchronous’ is not allowed. Line: 12… Read More »Facing issue when running the command php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Override Braintree Config.xml via Custom Module

Below is an except from vendor/paypal/module-braintree-core/etc/config.xml and I am curious how to add new credit card to, <cctypes_braintree_mapper> via a custom module. Is this done via a di.xml file or a new config.xml file? <config xmlns:xsi=”” xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=”urn:magento:module:Magento_Store:etc/config.xsd”> <default> <payment> <braintree>… Read More »Override Braintree Config.xml via Custom Module

Place DIV or SPAN class inside stock available

How can I place a div or span class inside stock available with custom xml. Would like custom block next to INSTOCK. <body> <referenceBlock name=””> <block class=”StockQtyBlockLeftQty” name=”catalog.product.view.stock” before=”” template=”Dolphin_MyModule::leftqty.phtml” cacheable=”false”/> </referenceBlock> </body>