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How AbstractEntity $errorMessageTemplates messages works?

I made a module for export/import a custom model, I’m working with validation messages, I noticed that, when I try to import a CSV without a $_permanentAttributes column, the error message is “columnNotFound”, but when I try to import a product without sku column the message is “We can’t find required columns: sku.”, wich is the message in the ERROR_CODE_COLUMN_NOT_FOUND constant of the AbstractEntity class.

abstract class AbstractEntity implements EntityInterface
    public const ERROR_CODE_COLUMN_NOT_FOUND = 'columnNotFound';

     * @var array
    protected $errorMessageTemplates = [
        self::ERROR_CODE_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION => 'General system exception happened',
        self::ERROR_CODE_COLUMN_NOT_FOUND => 'We can't find required columns: %s.',

Why am I not getting the message “We can’t find required columns: contact_id.” if I have my permanent attribute set correctly?

class Contact extends MagentoImportExportModelImportEntityAbstractEntity
    const CONTACT_ID = 'contact_id';

    protected $_messageTemplates = [
        'invalidContactId' => 'Invalid Contact ID',

    protected $_permanentAttributes = [self::CONTACT_ID];
