I am apply multiple cart rule in same time checkout page
Please give me suggestion.
The following scenario give below.
Scenario # 1 - which is active on staging, but not working. * Buy 3 of SKU: 0110025186 and get 15% * Get 10% off on $30 order with coupon: NEWYEAR Expectations * 15% off on SKU 0110025186 * User added a product that is not SKU 0110025186, since the cart is $30+ a 10% is applied only to the 2nd product added and not to the SKU 0110025186 since this SKU already has 15% off. Scenario #2 - All these rules are active and should work all together * Sitewide Sale: - 15% order $30+ - 20% order $35+ - 30% order $50+ * Buy 3 Get of 12345678 SKU and get 15% off Expectations: * If user subtotal is $52, apply $15% * If user: Subtotal is $45, and cart contains: + 3 of SKU 12345678 - $10 x 3 = 30 + 1 bible SKU 0987654 - $12 + 1 devotional AKU 98765432 - $10 $11.11 Apply discounts as follow: + $4.5 ($30 - 15% on SKU 12345678) + $3.6 ( $12-30% on SKU 0987654) + $3 ($10 -30%) on SKU 98765432) We need to be able to combined coupons and different types of offer without double discounting.