I need to create an indexer for cart price rules.
I decided to iterate the values from sales_rules table and extract the products from conditions_serialized coloumn.
My indexer file is like below.i Will share the executeFull
method only here
public function executeFull(){
$salesRules = $this->ruleFactory->create()->getCollection()->addFieldToFilter('is_active', '1');;
foreach ($salesRules as $salesRule) {
$ruleId = $salesRule->getRuleId();
$conditions = $salesRule->getConditionsSerialized();
// Here i want to perform the insert task based on the product extract from above
I am stuck here on extracting the $conditions return json and getting the product_id based on SKU.
Sample return json is something like below.
"value":"16-02-07938, 16-02-07939, 16-02-08413",
How magento do this kind of extraction on checking the cart rules against a product in cart? This kind of validation happen with produt Id or SKU?
Can anyone give me some insights on this question to proceed further?