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How to open slider popup from grid widget form using action column

I have loaded the widget block form grid in the edit product section.

I am trying to open the model popup in the adminhtml widget grid form.

I have added the action column like below

$this->addColumn(‘action’, array(
‘header’ => __(‘Action’),
‘width’ => ’50’,
‘type’ => ‘action’,
‘getter’ => ‘getProductId’,
‘actions’ => array(
‘caption’ => __(‘Add Content’),
‘url’ => array(‘base’ => ‘catalog/product/edit’),
‘field’ => ‘id’


Action column added in my grid but now I want to open the slider model popup or normal model popup with form on click of add content link,

I also tried to load with the renderer method but unable to load it.

Could anyone suggest how to achieve this?