I’ve added a text field where customers can enter a coupon code. When click the “Apply Coupon” button, I am fetching the value of the coupon. I want to use this coupon value to adjust the total amount shown on the checkout page. However, I am facing difficulties making this adjustment. Is that correct?
If so, could you provide more specific details about what part I am struggling with or what exactly isn’t working as expected? This will help me provide with a more precise solution.
This is the code
applyCoupon: function () {
// Get the coupon code from the observable
var couponCode = this.couponCode();
// Check if a coupon code has been provided and if the custom module is enabled
if (!couponCode || !this.isCustomModuleEnabled()) {
// Show the error message using Knockout.js data binding or any other desired behavior
// Perform an AJAX request to a new controller and pass the couponCode
var self = this;
url: '/keeplocal/index/KeeplocalApi', // Update with the actual controller action URL
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
coupon_code: couponCode
success: function (response) {
// console.log('response:', response);
if (response.status) {
// Success handling logic
$('.invalid-coupon').remove(); // Remove the error message
// Extract and display coupon details
var couponDetails = response.couponDetail;
console.log('Coupon Barcode:', couponDetails.barcode);
console.log('Coupon Current Value:', couponDetails.currentValue);
console.log('Retailer Name:', couponDetails.isActive);
var deferred = $.Deferred();
getTotalsAction([], deferred); // Trigger an update of the grand total
// if (couponDetails.isActive && couponDetails.currentValue) {
var totals = quote.getTotals()(); // Notice the double parentheses ()
console.log('totals:', totals);
if (totals && totals.base_grand_total) {
console.log('Original Grand Total:', totals.base_grand_total);
// Subtract coupon value
var newGrandTotal = totals.base_grand_total - couponDetails.currentValue;
console.log('New Grand Total:', newGrandTotal);
totals.base_grand_total = 34.99;
// getTotalsAction([]);
// Re-fetch the updated totals to refresh the UI
// }
} else {
if (response.message) {
// Show error message from the response
message: response.message
// Replace the error message within the data-ui-id attribute
// Create the error message structure
var errorMessage = $('<div>')
.addClass('message invalid-coupon message-error error')
.attr('data-ui-id', 'checkout-cart-validationmessages-message-error')
// Append the error message before the custom-coupon section
// $('.custom-coupon').before('<div class="message invalid-coupon"><span class="error">' + response.message + '</span></div>');
} else {
message: 'There is an issue with the coupon code.'
error: function () {
// Handle error if needed
self.errorMessage('An error occurred while applying the coupon.');
Please tell me where I am doing mistake to update the grand total of the checkout page.