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i am sending mail from Post.php and mail goes to system decided email every time

i am sending mail from Post.php and mail goes to system decided email every time

private function sendEmail($post)
        try {
            // Validate primary email format
            if (!filter_var($post['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
                throw new Exception('Invalid primary email format.');

            // Send email to the primary recipient
                ['data' => new DataObject($post)]

            // Secondary email address (make it configurable if needed)
            $secondaryEmail = '[email protected]'; // Replace with desired email address or fetch from config

            // Validate secondary email format
            if (!filter_var($secondaryEmail, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
                throw new Exception('Invalid secondary email format.');

            // Modify email data for secondary recipient if required
            $secondaryData = new DataObject(array_merge($post, [
                'email' => $secondaryEmail,
                'is_secondary' => true // Example to differentiate

            // Send email to the secondary recipient
                ['data' => $secondaryData]

        } catch (Exception $e) {
            // Log or handle email sending failures
            error_log('Email sending failed: ' . $e->getMessage());