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Knockout template : how to provide function parameter/s for looped object, also function call ‘is not defined’

I am trying to edit an existing payment method module template:

This is a looped object option (which is information about the current loop iteration payment method).

The original template loop:

<ul class="types">
    <!-- ko foreach: { data: JSON.parse(getPaymentTypesList()), as: 'option' } -->
    <li class="option-type" onclick="jQuery(this).find('input[name=payment-type]').prop('checked', true);">
        <input class="paygate-payment-type" data-bind="attr: {'value': option.value}" name="payment-type"
            type="radio" />
        <label class="label">
            <span class="payment-type-label">
                <!-- ko i18n: option.label -->
                <!-- /ko -->
            <span class="payment-type-label-img">
                <img alt="" class="payment-type-label-img" data-bind="attr: {'src': option.image}" />

    <!-- /ko -->

I want to use parameters to a custom function I created in the .js knockout object file; using the option payment method provided in the template already, see sample visible bind to the option.

<p class="payment-type-extra-description" data-bind="visible: isPaymentMethod(option, 'BT')">
    <span class="payment-type-extra-description-span">- I just want to show this specific paragraph using 'visible' when the option object is the specified 'payment method' value.</span>
    isPaymentMethod: function (methodValue, paymentMethod) {
        if (paymentMethod && methodValue) {
          return paymentMethod == methodValue.value
        return false

I think I have two issues here which relate to this question, but without both resolved I can’t solve the problem.

  • I don’t know how to provide arguments in the loop (using option)
  • isPaymentMethod is not defined, but only when inside the loop; if I call the isPaymentMethod on an element outside the loop; this function is called without error (but I don’t have arguments available since it is not inside the loop)

Error supplied in console; but as pointed out only when inside the loop

Uncaught ReferenceError: Unable to process binding "if: function(){return (paymentTypesEnabled() != 0) }"
Message: Unable to process binding "foreach: function(){return { data:JSON.parse(getPaymentTypesList()),as:'option'} }"
Message: Unable to process binding "visible: function(){return isPaymentMethod() }"
Message: isPaymentMethod is not defined
  • How do I provide parameters to a function inside the loop?
  • How do I get the loop to ‘recognize’ the isPaymentMethod function; because outside the loop the visible: isPaymentMethod() is called (but have not provided arguments).