I am making the mobile app in andriod and IOS using Magento2 as backend. In our website we are using stripe payment method.
Now I am trying to place an order using stripe method.
I am using magento default API in order to place an order “http://XXXX.com/rest/V1/carts/36/order” (where 36 is my quote id). I checked many documents and they suggested to use following in body:
"paymentMethod": {
"method": "stripe_payments",
"additional_data" : {
"cc_save" : false,
"cc_stripejs_token" : "pm_card_visa:visa:4242"
By using above in body order is placed successfully and I got the order id in response. But now I am trying to make “cc_stripejs_token” from request received from app team. They have following information:
card = {
brand = Visa;
country = US;
"cvc_check" = unchecked;
"exp_month" = 8;
"exp_year" = 2023;
funding = credit;
id = "card_1ImFqhGpA1zE4WUlvS12Hl9m";
last4 = 4242;
name = test;
object = card;
"client_ip" = "";
created = 1619864099;
id = "tok_1ImFqhGpA1zE4WUl3Eg9UFpA";
livemode = 0;
object = token;
type = card;
used = 0;
Now I am trying to make “cc_stripejs_token” by using this formula:
token.id + ':' + token.card.brand + ':' + token.card.last4
My body looks like
"paymentMethod": {
"method": "stripe_payments",
"additional_data" : {
"cc_save" : false,
"cc_stripejs_token" : "tok_1ImFqhGpA1zE4WUl3Eg9UFpA:visa:4242"
But I am getting error “TypeError: Return value of
MagentoInventorySalesPluginSalesOrderManagementAppendReservationsAfterOrderPlacementPlugin::aroundPlace() must
implement interface MagentoSalesApiDataOrderInterface.
I also tried by placing order using stripe intent method.
StripeStripe::setApiKey('MY SECRET KEY');
$st_response = StripeToken::create(array(
"card" => array(
"number" => "4242424242424242",
"exp_month" => 1,
"exp_year" => 2024,
"cvc" => "314"
echo json_encode($st_response);
$charge = StripeCharge::create(array('amount' => 1000, 'currency' => "eur", 'source' => $st_response['id']));
//echo json_encode($charge);
$tokenCard = $st_response['id'] . ':' . $charge['payment_method_details']['card']['brand'] . ':' . $charge['payment_method_details']['card']['last4'];
Payment is successful as I can see entries in Stripe dashboard but when trying to place an order using $tokenCard then it again shows error.
Please help me how can I place an order.