On my magento I have two different types of orders:
- regular orders which follow magento standard flow
- custom order which have to be in a custom status before they can be shipped, eg:
— order is placed by customer and I can see it in magento backend in the pending status
— the order gets paid so the invoice is created and the order goes into Processing state
— then I manually set the order to custom status (“ready”) and only if the order is in this custom status, then I can create the shipment, which means that if I try to ship this order while it is still in the processing status, then the shipment must not be created!
I tried blocking the creation of the shipment by using an after plugin on the MagentoSalesModelOrder::canShip()
public function afterCanShip(
MagentoSalesModelOrder $subject,
if($subject->getState() == "processing" && $subject->getStatus() !== "ready") return false;
return $result;
This seems to work but in reality it transforms the order in a virtual order so what happens is that as soon as I create my invoice, the order doesn’t switch from pending to processing but it switches directly from pending to dispatched even if no shipment is created.
What I need is that the shipment is not created AND the status stays in processing.. so basically no changes at all must be applied.. is there a way to achieve this?