I have found an issue on Magento 2.4.7 only in developer mode.
1 exception(s):
Exception #0 (MagentoFrameworkExceptionValidatorException): Invalid template file: 'Magento_MediaStorage::system/config/system/storage/media/synchronize.phtml' in module: 'Magento_MediaStorage' block's name: 'systemconfigsystemstoragemediasynchronize_0'
Exception #0 (MagentoFrameworkExceptionValidatorException): Invalid template file: 'Magento_MediaStorage::system/config/system/storage/media/synchronize.phtml' in module: 'Magento_MediaStorage' block's name: 'systemconfigsystemstoragemediasynchronize_0'
I know everything in developer mode is sync linked but I can’t see this .phtml in the location.
Anyone have any idea why this only happened in developer?