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Magento 2 Elasticsuite, query database in front

I have implemented the elasticsuite module with elasticsearch 7, to query the site to the cluster and not directly to the Database, but the following query is coming out on the front server:

SELECT u.* FROM ( (SELECT t.value, t.attribute_id, t.store_id FROM catalog_category_entity_varchar AS t WHERE (entity_id = ‘3’) AND (attribute_id IN (’51’, ‘179’, ‘130’, ’54’, ’55’, ’58’, ’66’, ‘131’, ‘149’, ‘163’, ‘150’, ‘164’, ‘151’, ‘165’, ’69’, ’74’, ‘152’, ‘202’, ‘153’, ‘154’, ‘155’, ‘157’, ‘159’)) AND (store_id IN (1, 0)))UNION ALL(SELECT t.value, t.attribute_id, t.store_id FROM catalog_category_entity_int AS t WHERE (entity_id = ‘3’) AND (attribute_id IN (’52’, ’76’, ’77’, ’75’, ‘148’, ‘162’, ’59’, ’60’, ‘192’, ‘170’, ‘171’, ‘172’, ‘180’)) AND (store_id IN (1, 0)))UNION ALL(SELECT t.value, t.attribute_id, t.store_id FROM catalog_category_entity_text AS t WHERE (entity_id = ‘3’) AND (attribute_id IN (’53’, ’56’, ’57’, ’63’, ’64’, ’65’, ’73’, ‘166’, ’70’, ‘156’, ‘158’, ‘160’, ‘161’, ‘173’)) AND (store_id IN (1, 0)))UNION ALL(SELECT t.value, t.attribute_id, t.store_id FROM catalog_category_entity_datetime AS t WHERE (entity_id = ‘3’) AND (attribute_id IN (’67’, ’68’)) AND (store_id IN (1, 0)))UNION ALL(SELECT t.value, t.attribute_id, t.store_id FROM catalog_category_entity_decimal AS t WHERE (entity_id = ‘3’) AND (attribute_id IN (’78’)) AND (store_id IN (1, 0))) ) AS u ORDER BY store_id ASC;

I know it refers to the categories, but it should not, since the categories are also indexed in Elasticsearch, Is this because the menu doesn’t use elasticsuite on the front or is it for another reason?

Here is the query result:

enter image description here

I greatly appreciate if someone can help me solve this question, it is something very general
