I am trying to fetch Best seller product collections using graphql like the one below.
bestSellers (
pageSize: Int = 20 @doc(description: "The maximum number of results to return at once. The default value is 20."),
currentPage: Int = 1 @doc(description: "The page of results to return. The default value is 1.")
): [ProductInterface]
@doc(description:"Show the best selling items")
public function getBestSellerProducts()
$productDetails = [];
$bestSellers = $this->_bestSellersCollectionFactory->create()
foreach ($bestSellers as $bestSeller) {
$product = $this->productRepository->getById($bestSeller->getProductId());
$productData = $product->toArray();
$productData['model'] = $product;
$productDetails[] = $productData;
return $productDetails;
How can I fetch these products using the same search and filter etc arguments used in the product graphql query (I want to filter these products using the available product attributes)?
products (
search: String @doc(description: "One or more keywords to use in a full-text search."),
filter: ProductAttributeFilterInput @doc(description: "The product attributes to search for and return."),
pageSize: Int = 20 @doc(description: "The maximum number of results to return at once. The default value is 20."),
currentPage: Int = 1 @doc(description: "The page of results to return. The default value is 1."),
sort: ProductAttributeSortInput @doc(description: "Specifies which attributes to sort on, and whether to return the results in ascending or descending order.")
): Products