I created a module that creates an order programmatically and I can also set the custom price. This is part of my code:
foreach($orderData['products'] as $product)
$quoteProduct = $this->productRepository->get($product['sku']);
$this->logger->info(sprintf("Adding product to quote, id: %d, sku: %s, qty: %d", $quoteProduct->getId(), $quoteProduct->getSku(), $product['qty']));
$quoteItem = $quote->addProduct(
catch(Exception $e)
$orderResult->errorMessage = sprintf("ERROR: %s, failed to add product to quote, sku: %s, qty: %d. Check saleable quantity, product may be out of stock.", $e->getMessage(), $product['sku'], $product['qty']);
return $orderResult;
I would like to set the custom tax amount just like I am setting the custom price. Can this be done?
To clarify: I don’t want Magento to calculate and apply the tax for the product. I want to override its default behavior and set the line item tax amount manually.