I have the below code but its throwing a 500 error and I can not get to the server logs to find the actual error. Nor is the page giving a better error message. Hoping someone could spot my error
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
echo "page loading";
$tempcon = mysqli_connect("","abcd","efg","staging");
//Select Data from table
$sql = mysqli_query($tempcon, "SELECT coupon_rule_name AS 'PromotionUsed'
, coupon_code AS 'CodeUsed'
, COUNT(coupon_code) AS 'timeused'
, SUM(subtotal) AS 'CumulativePrice'
, SUM(total_paid) AS 'CumulativePaidwithCoupon'
, AVG(total_paid) AS 'aovcoupon'
, AVG(subtotal) AS 'aovwocoupon'
, ABS(SUM(discount_amount)) AS 'cumulativesavings'
, (
SUM(discount_amount) - SUM(total_paid)
) AS 'CumulativeLoss'
COUNT(coupon_code) / (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sales_flat_order s)
) * 100, 1), '%') AS 'Percentage'
FROM sales_flat_order
WHERE coupon_code LIKE 'warranty%'
GROUP BY coupon_code
ORDER BY COUNT(coupon_code) DESC");
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql))
echo "$CodeUsed $timeused $cumulativesavings $CumulativeLoss $Percentage";
echo "<br />intentional blank row <br />";