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Is it possible to use Price AdjustmentInterface with Cache Context?

I know how Price Adjustment through the AdjustmentInterface (e.g. 10% off prices) work. (MagentoFrameworkPricingAdjustment) (docs: I know how to add a Cache Context so a a new context is created to cache for. (MagentoFrameworkAppHttpContext) Question: Is it possible to… Read More »Is it possible to use Price AdjustmentInterface with Cache Context?

how to get quote item of the current quote?

how to get quote item of the current quote? i have already get the quote i’ll share some code . $quote = $this->quoteFactory->create()->load(13); //echo “<pre>”;print_r($collection->getData()); $shippingAddress = $quote->getShippingAddress(); //form data $firstname = $quote->getCustomerFirstname(); $lastname = $quote->getCustomerLastname(); $mail = $quote->getcustomer_email(); //shipping… Read More »how to get quote item of the current quote?

Falcon eccomerce acceleator

I want to gather information about the Falcon eCommerce accelerator. Can anyone know how it works, how we can see a demo or reference website, and what the differences are between default Magento and this solution?