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Need help with upgrading Magento Cloud version 2.4.3-p3 to 2.4.7

Can somene please help me with upgrading Magento Cloud version 2.4.3-p3 to 2.4.7. I have tried these commands: composer require “magento/magento-cloud-metapackage”:”>=2.4.3 <2.4.7″ –no-update composer update –with-all-dependencies –ignore-platform-reqs Also, updated the PHP version to 8.3, but it’s not working. Can someone… Read More »Need help with upgrading Magento Cloud version 2.4.3-p3 to 2.4.7

My magento sql take 500% cpu

I have an error , mysql database has take 500% cpu ,I have take a screen shot for process list I need a help ,my site show :[2024-06-02T06:00:17.313192+00:00] main.ERROR: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused [] [] Thank you,

Warning is scammer, stay away!!!

hello, i ordered a hosting from, the hosting was working ok but there are two problems – my websites took too long time t… | Read the rest of

Generate Customer Token not working

curl –location ‘http://gravity.freestylelibre.devops:81/graphql’ –header ‘Authorization: Bearer fkvb31wfm3xh64k415hldo5eba4qiu4s’ –header ‘store: 37’ –header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ –header ‘Cookie: PHPSESSID=rimu6j4naus2c67jstmsar1j4a; private_content_version=c5ffb5a3f0dae6c381024d34148823e0’ –data-raw ‘{“query”:”mutation {rn generateCustomerToken(rn email: “[email protected]”rn password: “Nilkunj@123″rn ) {rn token rn }rn}”,”variables”:{}}’