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Widget not inserting or saving when the word ‘type’ is used anywhere in the text after a quotation mark

For a little context, we have recently made the decision to disable page builder and move towards a component-driven content entry approach utilising widgets. We have a “Generic Text” widget, which consists of a custom WYSIWYG parameter. Whilst testing this… Read More »Widget not inserting or saving when the word ‘type’ is used anywhere in the text after a quotation mark

Future of web hosting

Hi, I started this topic to just get comments from fellow members regarding web hosting business. As you all knows that technology mainta… | Read the rest of

Exception #0 (MagentoFrameworkExceptionLocalizedException): Invalid method VendorModulenameBlockSalesOrderItems:::isPagerDisplayed

I am going to add some data content in Order Items at the Frontend.I am using Magento 2.4.3 I have given preference in the di.xml file <preference for=”MagentoSalesBlockOrderItems” type=”VendorCustomNameSalesBlockOrderItems” /> And Added a plugin : <type name=”MagentoSalesBlockOrderItems”> <plugin name=”CQC_Serialcodes::getItemHtml” type=”VendorModulePluginItems”… Read More »Exception #0 (MagentoFrameworkExceptionLocalizedException): Invalid method VendorModulenameBlockSalesOrderItems:::isPagerDisplayed